0434 083 638 [email protected]

Public Liability Insurance

This article is copyright of Platinum Pearl Resourcing Pty Ltd, August 2019. Please seek authorisation before using the article for your own personal interests.

Public Liability Insurance


Platinum Pearl Resourcing Pty Ltd

The information on this page is provided solely as a summary of ‘Platinum Pearl’s Resourcing Pty Ltd’ Public Liability Insurance policy and should not be considered as advice of a general or personal nature. Furthermore, it is declared and agreed that nothing contained herein, represents an express or implied term, condition, exclusion or limitation which forms part of the Insurer Policy terms and conditions. This summary should not be relied upon in the event of a ‘Claim’. For access to the ‘Insurance Policy Wording’ and full details relating to the specific coverage, terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations afforded by the ‘Insurer’ in the event of an incident, occurrence or claim,  staff employed by Platinum Pearl Resourcing are requested to contact Platinum Pearl Resourcing directly. Please note, each claim may also be subject to an excess payable by the employees of Platinum Pearl Resourcing.

Our Commitment

Platinum Pearl Resourcing is committed to facilitating the best and safest private or public hospitality/cleaning staffing or catering experiences for our employees and/or event hosts or customers which Platinum Pearl Resourcing has an association with. Therefore, Platinum Pearl Resourcing has implemented an appropriate insurance policy, summarised herein/below.

The purpose of this insurance policy is to ensure Platinum Pearl Resourcing has a stated commitment to the protection of our employment staff and/or customers are met and consistently maintained. It also provides you (customers or associates) with the confidence to perform your catering or cooking or cleaning services as part of an event booked through Platinum Pearl Resourcing.

Hospitality or cleaning staffing in all areas of hospitality (i.e. front or back of house) or cleaning are covered by a $10 million insurance policy placed by AIG Australia Limited for any events booked through Platinum Pearl Resourcing.

  • Platinum Pearl Resourcing insurance is underwritten by AIG Australia Limited, protecting Australians for more than 50 years.
  • Terms and Conditions apply. Only for Platinum Pearl’s Resourcing processed events. Excess applies for Platinum Pearl’s Resourcing hospitality or cleaning employees.
  • No additional costs. There are no hidden charges or fees for insurance. All Platinum Pearl’s Resourcing employed staff are covered.
  • We are here to help. If you have any questions about insurance, please contact us on the following:

             [email protected]

While injuries or property damage during working events are unlikely, we recognise the importance of protection and peace of mind for Platinum Pearl Resourcing and our Customers. We have worked very closely with AIG to provide all Platinum Pearl’s Resourcing employees with public liability insurance that covers them for up to $10,000,000 for third party property damage and/or personal injury claims against them for all bookings and events through Platinum Pearl Resourcing Pty Ltd.

Limit of Liability:

Public Liability – AUD $10,000,000 every occurrence or occasion.

Products or Service Liability – AUD $10,000,000 every occurrence or occasion in the aggregate.

What is covered (customer)

  • Public & Products Liability covers you for your liability to third parties resulting from personal injury or property damage caused during the provision of our events or services.
  • Examples of claims might be allegations of damage to property caused whilst working or providing a service on your premises.
  • This cover only applies when Platinum Pearl’s Resourcing staff are performing regular services, as part of a booking accepted and confirmed via an email from Platinum Pearl’s Resourcing Pty Ltd employees.


In the event of a claim (employee):

Similarly, to paying any form of ‘excess’, a deductible amount of AUD $1,000 applies to each claim. This is the amount borne by you (employees of Platinum Pearl Resourcing) in the event of an action being brought against you.

What is not covered

Platinum Pearl’s Resourcing Insurance Policy does not cover first person personal injury or property damage for employees, and therefore should not be considered a replacement for other types of insurance such as workers compensation or salary protection. As with all insurance policies, Platinum Pearl’s Resourcing Insurance contains exclusions.

Conditions of Cover

The following conditions apply for employees of Platinum Pearl Resourcing;

  • The policy responds where you are held legally liable to a third party for death or injury, or loss or damage of property resulting from your negligence, including defence costs (i.e. law).
  • Cover only applies during bookings made via Platinum Pearl’s Resourcing or arranged via formal email. It does not apply to services provided outside the knowledge or expressed prior arrangements of Platinum Pearl Resourcing Pty Ltd acknowledgment.

Get in Touch


We are also active in social media. You can find us
on below adresses

0434 083 638

[email protected]


Mon - Sat 8:00am - 6:00 pm

Level 14, 275 Alfred st, Sydney, 2060

The Public Liability Insurance  stated or outlined is the Copyright © 2019, ‘Platinum Pearl Resourcing Pty Ltd’. All rights reserved to Platinum Pearl Resourcing Pty Ltd ABN 26 632 793 849